Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Change: The only constant!

What is in store for one, nobody knows! But one thing that anyone can be sure about is "Change". Yes you read it right! Change as the title itself suggests is the only constant! who knows even the speed of light might change! I might be sounding as a philosopher because I am talking about delicate things like change and all! But why I am talking about this has a lot to do with what I have been experiencing from quite sometime in the institute.
It so happened that one time I couldn't sleep till 5 in the morning (God knows why!).
Fortunately or unfortunately my room-mate has a bad habit of sleeping really early (maximum till 10pm) so I had to discuss this topic of change all with myself!
What actually is this change that I am talking about?????

I am talking about the change when your birthday becomes just like any other day in the year. Nothing really to cheer about. Come on! How can we be cheerful once we get to know that we are nearing the end!

I am talking about the change in outlook when a boy becomes a man and leaves his mother to old age home telling she is a burden to keep at home without even remembering the times his mother did anything and everything for him, forgetting that he once said "Mother! I can't live without you!"

I am talking about the way people are treating their partners. I observed this in a train journey while noticing an elderly and a young couple. Uncle made his wife's bed, made her sleep with a comfortable pillow and wrapped a blanket on her. The young man there let his wife do her own bed without even noticing that her's was the top berth and just signs off telling "Goodnight dear!"

I am talking about the change in the way students now approach education. It was once a medium to lead one to the ultimate knowledge of life and now, it has become a thing of prestige, a medium to earn in crores. (I was once told many people join prestigious institutions only for this reason!)

I am talking about the change in my condition. From being a princess at home, having mother beside me for everything, having her for noticing that i moved while sleeping and waking me up and giving me water, having her for switching on the fan during summer when I just don't realize that I am sweating out doing some problem to now being so alone that I don't have anyone to ask why I am not able to sleep. No one there to fetch water for me and I have to do everything, it may be as weird as climbing down 4 floors and refilling the dispenser and drinking a cup of water at 4 in the morning, thinking it can get you in touch with the queen of sleep!

This is precisely why I had to discuss change with myself! I hope I didn't bore the reader too much! Thanks for your patience!



  1. Change indeed is the only constant thing in today's world. Good post.. Carry on..

  2. life can change u or u can change life, its all a matter of opinion ....rock on...:)

  3. Well you should accept the change and move on...and i guess its time we think about what we have done in our life in the past years...we all miss those days..
